Wednesday, July 4, 2012

banning soft drinks? why not beer?

Minjoo Jung blog 25

Why would you only stick to banning soft drinks mayor Bloomberg? I know the reason for this is to control the weight of Americans so they do not get obese but there are many other food and drinks that contribute to obesity other than soft drinks. Beer is one of the highest reason why people gain weight. But despite that, they only look at the soft drinks because it consists of monstrous calories and lots of sugar. In my opinion, I think that banning soft drinks is out of the question. Many people consume milkshakes and other soft drinks every day and even beer. There are days when I come home from a long day and just grab a beer and relax in front of my AC. I think that he should not ban anything because it isn't really hurting us as long as we know our limits and we are capable of controlling it.

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