Sunday, September 2, 2012

Tough life in 2012

Hi, my name is Hyunseung Hahm, and I am taking THR104.

In this summer vacation, I've been sick. I have Tuberculosis right now. I have to eat ten medicine

every days, and the medication makes me sick after I take, the medicine is too strong to eat it. I lost

15 pounds over this summer, which could help you to under stand my real bad situation. The doctor

said I sould not go to study abroad because it is too dangerus to go by myself. However, I believe my

friends are going to help me, and I really dont want to delay my school graduation. I have to take this

medicine untill next June. Plus, I have four wisdom teeth grwing, which give me so stress!! oh my

gosh. This year will be the worst year ever. I will try my best to finish this semester well, and will be

cheering my self to do so! :)

Thank you.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Listen or Hear

What does it mean to listen? what does it mean to hear someone? Is there a difference? Aren't they the same?

No dummy

You hear noises. you overhear people chatting in the background. You usually hear your girlfriend complaining about something you did or didn't do.

Listening is what you should be doing in a relationship. You listen to your parents growing up. You listen when that hottie you're trying to sleep with describes their perfect mate. Listening is the active version of hearing. it's you trying to intake information and process it so that you may hopefully use it in the future.
Listening should be done at all times around important people in your life. Hearing is just you natural ability to recognize sounds.

ANY questions? Good

Poor and Ugly


dedication to

This is an interview/ blog i made i  high school for my favorite class of senior year and my all time fave teacher

one of my favorite memories

Ballroom 2010

me dancing for PUSO