These are pictures of my Father's Father, and his Aunt and Uncles.
Original music composed by Jay Loomis using Beatwave and GarageBand.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Old Ancestors - "eye candy" #5
These are pictures of my Grandfather's Grandmother, and his Great Aunt, who lived in Minnesota when my Grandfather's Grandfather arrived there in the mid / late 1800s - he was part of "Westward Expansion" (see Minnesota, Homestead Act, Manifest Destiny). He left New York in the mid 1800's and settled in Minnesota after marrying Mary Jane Hines, who was probably half Ojibwe and half Irish. Limon Foster Loomis and Mary Jane Hines are my Great Great Grandparents.
Original music by Jay Loomis created by using Thicket and Garage Band.
Original music by Jay Loomis created by using Thicket and Garage Band.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
the reason why i still live at home
Minjoo Jung blog #12
There were many times, I wanted to move out and live on my own because of the nagging and stress my parents gave me. I wanted to live on my own, carefree without having to worry about what time I wake up, where I go and what time I come home. My parents are very lenient when it comes to my sister and me. They don't mind that we come home late at times as long as we sleep at home or if we give them a heads up if we're planning to stay over a friends house. But the nagging that they give me is unbearable sometimes. I feel like they try to find every reason they can to give me a lecture about something whether it is life, or my future. I know its from their best interest because they care for me deeply but still, if I hear the same thing over and over it gets tedious. I am a grown woman and I know what I am going to do with my life and what I want to do. But the reason why I still live at home is because of course I cannot afford to pay for rent every month. I dont own a car at this moment because my parents are fine with me driving their car. But if I live on my own then I have to pay rent, most likely lease or finance my own car, buy all the groceries, cook every day, pay for electricity/water and more. Money will be leaving my side left and right and I am not in a stable condition to handle all that. I am not in the position to support myself. So, I thought, hey my parents are allowing me to live in their house right now but sooner or later, they will cut me off and tell me to get out, so why not take advantage of the fact that i am still their baby girl and live in their house. I have friends who moved out because they wanted to be independent, but they are regretting their decision so much. All i hear from them is complaining that they have no money to save or spend. I tell them to come out and grab a drink on the weekends but they turn me down because they can't afford to pay for drinks anymore. All of their money goes to their house and utilities so they have nothing to spare and spend on leisure and fun. They all have jobs but we just graduated so it obviously isn't the highest paying job. When I observe their life, my life right now is so much happier because i dont have to worry about bills and rent. This is the reason why I still live at home. Id rather take their nagging then have money problems.
There were many times, I wanted to move out and live on my own because of the nagging and stress my parents gave me. I wanted to live on my own, carefree without having to worry about what time I wake up, where I go and what time I come home. My parents are very lenient when it comes to my sister and me. They don't mind that we come home late at times as long as we sleep at home or if we give them a heads up if we're planning to stay over a friends house. But the nagging that they give me is unbearable sometimes. I feel like they try to find every reason they can to give me a lecture about something whether it is life, or my future. I know its from their best interest because they care for me deeply but still, if I hear the same thing over and over it gets tedious. I am a grown woman and I know what I am going to do with my life and what I want to do. But the reason why I still live at home is because of course I cannot afford to pay for rent every month. I dont own a car at this moment because my parents are fine with me driving their car. But if I live on my own then I have to pay rent, most likely lease or finance my own car, buy all the groceries, cook every day, pay for electricity/water and more. Money will be leaving my side left and right and I am not in a stable condition to handle all that. I am not in the position to support myself. So, I thought, hey my parents are allowing me to live in their house right now but sooner or later, they will cut me off and tell me to get out, so why not take advantage of the fact that i am still their baby girl and live in their house. I have friends who moved out because they wanted to be independent, but they are regretting their decision so much. All i hear from them is complaining that they have no money to save or spend. I tell them to come out and grab a drink on the weekends but they turn me down because they can't afford to pay for drinks anymore. All of their money goes to their house and utilities so they have nothing to spare and spend on leisure and fun. They all have jobs but we just graduated so it obviously isn't the highest paying job. When I observe their life, my life right now is so much happier because i dont have to worry about bills and rent. This is the reason why I still live at home. Id rather take their nagging then have money problems.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
King of the cheap date
How cheap can a date be, that is the question.
1. The date can be so cheap that she doesnt know shes on a date.
2. Never pulling out your wallet is another option for keeping it cheap.
3. A long walk is free!
4. Playing with an iPad (Com'on)
5. People watching in the park is always a super cheap one.
And when she says its to much work, thats when your exit stage left!
1. The date can be so cheap that she doesnt know shes on a date.
2. Never pulling out your wallet is another option for keeping it cheap.
3. A long walk is free!
4. Playing with an iPad (Com'on)
5. People watching in the park is always a super cheap one.
And when she says its to much work, thats when your exit stage left!
In a strange turn of events she somehow called me a narcissistic. Not really sure why she said it
She laughed at me and called nutz - sucka
She made faces while getting somewhat aggressive – it was somewhat enjoyable in funnie kind of way.
A phobia of the subway and cockroaches was pointed out will walking from 29th to 14th street.
She didn’t like my jokes, not funny at all especially the ones about Columbians.
She called me a cradle robbers, because of her age, surprising enough she remembered my age from 3 weeks ago.
If she worked in my office, I would tell her she is as wend up like a top. And she needs release.
She seemed tired….
She seemed not interested at all.
I think she even called me a dumb ass at one point, not really sure but I would bank on it.
And my grammar might not be perfect but it works for me.
Not really sure if she will see me again - maybe / maybe not
The sharp, sudden decline of America's middle class
Minjoo Jung blog # 11
This article stood out to me because my family lies in the middle class and I am worried something like this can happen to me. People in the middle class had good stable jobs but after the great recession hit, they lost their jobs. It had such a big negative impact on their life that they had to live in their cars in a parking lot. The Safe Parking program is a big help because it gave the people who did not have homes to live in their cars in those lots if they had a permit. It is so crazy to think how one day a person can have a good job but in a blink of an eye, they can lose everything they have and get thrown out into their car to live. The one lady that was interviewed named Janis Adkins had to live in her car as well and eat fruits that fell from trees to stay alive. Good thing Santa Barbara does not have cold weather because if it did then that would be a brutal condition to live in. There are even teenage children living with their mother because they did not have homes. The great recession is really bringing people down in a negative way and I am scared that one day everything that I have and own will be gone.
This article stood out to me because my family lies in the middle class and I am worried something like this can happen to me. People in the middle class had good stable jobs but after the great recession hit, they lost their jobs. It had such a big negative impact on their life that they had to live in their cars in a parking lot. The Safe Parking program is a big help because it gave the people who did not have homes to live in their cars in those lots if they had a permit. It is so crazy to think how one day a person can have a good job but in a blink of an eye, they can lose everything they have and get thrown out into their car to live. The one lady that was interviewed named Janis Adkins had to live in her car as well and eat fruits that fell from trees to stay alive. Good thing Santa Barbara does not have cold weather because if it did then that would be a brutal condition to live in. There are even teenage children living with their mother because they did not have homes. The great recession is really bringing people down in a negative way and I am scared that one day everything that I have and own will be gone.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
ANCESTOR KIDS, "eye candy" #4
These are photos of my Great Aunt and Great Uncle, et al...
with original music by Jay Loomis, recorded and edited by Bryan Downey in Bulldog Studios in Sag Harbor, NY.
with original music by Jay Loomis, recorded and edited by Bryan Downey in Bulldog Studios in Sag Harbor, NY.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Corner of Park and E29th
Picking up a freind tonight, anyway, workers are resurfacing the road on park ave. Out of all the things I could do with my life, if I am pulled toward heavy machines why am i not doing that? Check it out, dude whips out a 20 inch diamond blade saw and starts cutting away some excess asphalt. Totally cool -
Carrion 6#
Carrion 6#
Minnesota Ancestor Park.skp
Here's an experiment... a ROUGH draft...
it's one piece of the puzzle for the NARRATIVE that I'm developing. I want to use SketchUp as the platform that will combine a variety of visual objects that I can navigate to create an "animation tour" that tells one perspective (in broad strokes) of the story of some of my ancestors.
it's one piece of the puzzle for the NARRATIVE that I'm developing. I want to use SketchUp as the platform that will combine a variety of visual objects that I can navigate to create an "animation tour" that tells one perspective (in broad strokes) of the story of some of my ancestors.
Eye candy
Minjoo Jung blog #9
This was one of my eye candy videos that I made where everything in the background was black and white except for my grandfather's face. The point of this video was to focus on his face.
North Korea tests the patience of its closest ally
Minjoo Jung blog # 8
I thought this article was interesting because as all of you guys know, my grandpa was from north Korea so news like this interests me. I dont understand why Kim Jong-un will try to test the patience of China when he knows that China is their closest ally. I think that he is being straight up stupid because if he loses china has an ally then he would be in a slump. If China say's dont test out the nuclear weapons then just dont do it. China provided north Korea with lots of aid and he probably knows that fact as well. “The North is on track to build a warhead that could in a few years hit any regional target and eventually the United States,” said Evans J. R. Revere. This part of the article sort of scared me because that if North Korea can build weapons so strong that it can reach halfway around the world to the United States, countries who are not ally's with North Korea is all in danger. I just want peace in this world even though that is hard due to all the conflicts countries have with each other. Especially with the country where my grandfather was born because I am curious to know if any of my relatives are still alive in North Korea. Who knows? I might have a great grandparent still alive or aunts and uncles. My mom said that is impossible to find out because we cannot have any sort of communication with the people living there but that fact brings more curiosity out of me. It would be pretty amazing to one day meet someone who is supposedly related to me that i have never heard or seen before in my life. I hope one day, there will be peace within the two Koreas and people can find their parents, relatives, loved ones and more and reunite with them after many long years.
I thought this article was interesting because as all of you guys know, my grandpa was from north Korea so news like this interests me. I dont understand why Kim Jong-un will try to test the patience of China when he knows that China is their closest ally. I think that he is being straight up stupid because if he loses china has an ally then he would be in a slump. If China say's dont test out the nuclear weapons then just dont do it. China provided north Korea with lots of aid and he probably knows that fact as well. “The North is on track to build a warhead that could in a few years hit any regional target and eventually the United States,” said Evans J. R. Revere. This part of the article sort of scared me because that if North Korea can build weapons so strong that it can reach halfway around the world to the United States, countries who are not ally's with North Korea is all in danger. I just want peace in this world even though that is hard due to all the conflicts countries have with each other. Especially with the country where my grandfather was born because I am curious to know if any of my relatives are still alive in North Korea. Who knows? I might have a great grandparent still alive or aunts and uncles. My mom said that is impossible to find out because we cannot have any sort of communication with the people living there but that fact brings more curiosity out of me. It would be pretty amazing to one day meet someone who is supposedly related to me that i have never heard or seen before in my life. I hope one day, there will be peace within the two Koreas and people can find their parents, relatives, loved ones and more and reunite with them after many long years.
FamilyPhotos & the GoldenMEAN - eye candy 3
This mini-mash-up combines architectural drawings by Palladio with family fotos and original pattern music composed by Jay Loomis using the Soundrop app and Garage Band.
Friday, June 22, 2012
This AUDIO VISUAL COLLAGE combines images, voice-over, original music, text, and sampled sounds.
It's a commentary on war mongering politics & roboticized killing.
It's a commentary on war mongering politics & roboticized killing.
Spinning Head - eye candy 2
FAMILY PHOTO & Original Music by JML
EYES & WHEELS - eye candy 1
FAMILY PHOTOS & Original Music by JML
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
SIMULATION & cyborgs
SIMULATION astounds me as I look at screens
that re-create realities
reproducing via [zeros] & [ones]
walled worlds and open horizons
SUPERFICIAL simulation creates controlled realms in [Virtuality]
that serve humans
(at worst these training games teach us to kill more effectively)
(at best we can participate in creative activities designed to heal)
CYBORG SIMULATION turns the tables and makes machines
for "better" (to alleviate our laziness, and indulge our impish egos..
they are relieved to relish in postures of apparent superiority)
or for longevity
Or for worse
that is, for better killing capacity
Because we can?
that re-create realities
reproducing via [zeros] & [ones]
walled worlds and open horizons
SUPERFICIAL simulation creates controlled realms in [Virtuality]
that serve humans
(at worst these training games teach us to kill more effectively)
(at best we can participate in creative activities designed to heal)
CYBORG SIMULATION turns the tables and makes machines
for "better" (to alleviate our laziness, and indulge our impish egos..
they are relieved to relish in postures of apparent superiority)
or for longevity
Or for worse
that is, for better killing capacity
Because we can?
Second Life
Minjoo Jung Blog # 7
I signed up for second life and it was so lagged so much on my computer, it was impossible to do anything with it. It seems interesting in the fact that we get to connect with other people through avatars and we get to dress them up and more. It was like making a person the way we want to live our life; like a second me. I guess that's where the name second life came from because it is a totally different world where we meet, talk to other "people" or also known as avatars form other places and get to know each other like a real human being would do. It's a shame that I could not play this but it seems like a interesting game.
I signed up for second life and it was so lagged so much on my computer, it was impossible to do anything with it. It seems interesting in the fact that we get to connect with other people through avatars and we get to dress them up and more. It was like making a person the way we want to live our life; like a second me. I guess that's where the name second life came from because it is a totally different world where we meet, talk to other "people" or also known as avatars form other places and get to know each other like a real human being would do. It's a shame that I could not play this but it seems like a interesting game.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Second Life Choices
I signed up for Second Life
Choosing the avatar made me think about so many different poses and
how much BODY LANGUAGE speaks and
implies history and attitude and
our perspective as we approach the contexts of everyday life
Choose choices choices choices
choose chews choose...
Choosing the avatar made me think about so many different poses and
how much BODY LANGUAGE speaks and
implies history and attitude and
our perspective as we approach the contexts of everyday life
Choose choices choices choices
choose chews choose...
Monday, June 18, 2012
Kwakiutl Potlatch
A couple of weeks ago we talked a bit about the Kwakiutl extravagant tradition of gift giving and the public display of wealth... here's an informative New York Times article from 2008 that gives an insider's perspective on the affair: Potlach article...
Here are some pictures of some Native American people, tribes, etc. from the the Pacific Northwest:
Kwakiutl MASKS - MASKS - MASKS...
Houses and Potlatch Ceremonies:
When I look at these pictures and read about the ancient traditions of the Kwakiutl
When I stare into the eyes of the mysterious masks
my imagination tries to comprehend
through vivid
inner-visual inventions - what a rush!
Then I read some anthropology text written by Claude Levi Straus, or by Franz Boas... I wonder how much they understood of this amazing culture... did they believe it? did they live it? did their life depend on it?
Here are some pictures of some Native American people, tribes, etc. from the the Pacific Northwest:
Kwakiutl MASKS - MASKS - MASKS...
Houses and Potlatch Ceremonies:
When I look at these pictures and read about the ancient traditions of the Kwakiutl
When I stare into the eyes of the mysterious masks
my imagination tries to comprehend
through vivid
inner-visual inventions - what a rush!
Then I read some anthropology text written by Claude Levi Straus, or by Franz Boas... I wonder how much they understood of this amazing culture... did they believe it? did they live it? did their life depend on it?
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Copyright holders are trying to steal our property rights
Minjoo Jung blog # 6
I think this is absolutely ridiculous and absurd. If I buy an object then I can legally say that it is owned by me. Why? Because I paid for it with my money that I earned. So whatever I do with that object, I have the right to do it. So how are the copyright holders going to stop us from selling our items that we bought? I have sold many textbooks, clothes and other items that I dont use anymore to my friends or other people through amazon or facebook and for them to try to ban us from doing that is not fair. If this really does happen, then every time we try to sell an item, we have to ask the copyright holders for their permission and as it is stated in the article, they have the right to deny. I hope this does not happen in the future.
I think this is absolutely ridiculous and absurd. If I buy an object then I can legally say that it is owned by me. Why? Because I paid for it with my money that I earned. So whatever I do with that object, I have the right to do it. So how are the copyright holders going to stop us from selling our items that we bought? I have sold many textbooks, clothes and other items that I dont use anymore to my friends or other people through amazon or facebook and for them to try to ban us from doing that is not fair. If this really does happen, then every time we try to sell an item, we have to ask the copyright holders for their permission and as it is stated in the article, they have the right to deny. I hope this does not happen in the future.
One whole day in one photo
Minjoo Jung blog # 5
I found this photo online and I thought this was so beautiful. It shows one whole day from morning to evening in just one photo. The photoshop here is done very nicely. Theres an app for the iphone (not too sure for the droid) called panorama where a person can take a picture of something and take another picture of something right next to it and connect it like the photo I posted. This photo shows one scenery i think its at a beach and this person took photos of it at different times of the day and connected it to make it look like one complete photo. Job well done.
Personal MYTHS (to live by)
Here's a great book by Joseph Campbell: Myths to Live By - it's full of images of icons that are central to different mythologies from around the world. Campbell draws parallels between different religions and reminds the reader of different ways that these stories can have an impact on the personal lives of individuals and how they live within their communities.
ANIMALS are important figures in my own personal mythology.
Here's a picture of an amazing GREEN BUTTERFLY that showed up on the door of my previous workplace, one morning at 6am. My boss was very strict and I had a lot of responsibility - it was not an ideal work atmosphere. At an especially low point this GREEN BUTTERFLY showed up just in time to remind me to keep on keeping on.
Below is a picture of a LARGE HAWK, or maybe an EAGLE that flew down and landed right in front of me while I was walking back to my apartment after class one day. Just then, my phone rang - it was a musician and recording engineer who wanted me to play some flute for a song that he had written. We met and recorded together and the song has recently been played several times on the radio, on WPPB, an NPR station in Southampton. Here's the song: So Simple, by Bryan Downy (tin whistle accompaniment by Jay Loomis).
ANIMALS are important figures in my own personal mythology.
Here's a picture of an amazing GREEN BUTTERFLY that showed up on the door of my previous workplace, one morning at 6am. My boss was very strict and I had a lot of responsibility - it was not an ideal work atmosphere. At an especially low point this GREEN BUTTERFLY showed up just in time to remind me to keep on keeping on.
Below is a picture of a LARGE HAWK, or maybe an EAGLE that flew down and landed right in front of me while I was walking back to my apartment after class one day. Just then, my phone rang - it was a musician and recording engineer who wanted me to play some flute for a song that he had written. We met and recorded together and the song has recently been played several times on the radio, on WPPB, an NPR station in Southampton. Here's the song: So Simple, by Bryan Downy (tin whistle accompaniment by Jay Loomis).
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Remy Krakauer Blog #2
Reality T.V.: Man's desperate attempt to sensationalize real life.
Some people, if not many, often wish for life to be like the movies. We long for near impossible coincidences that allows us to experience love, glory, strength, bravery, etc in the same way such emotions are portrayed in film. Editing, music, camera angles and locations all help to create such things. Reality T.V. is a form of entertainment that helps treat the real world, which is not full of those impossible coincidences, as a movie in which the people can be portrayed as characters in a story rather than just humans in the world. With the same techniques used for film, reality t.v. producers try to sensationalize what can be argued as a dull human life. The people who are being filmed, know they are being filmed, know they are not actors, and know that the audience knows all this. In a way it seems like we are unsatisfied with life, we want to believe that life can be like it is in the movies, and reality T.V. gets close but ultimately fails. The main problem is that since the people know they are being filmed, there is a sense of fake-ness in the real person's actions. Although it may remain entertaining, the goal to sensationalize the mundane human life is failed.
Remy Krakauer Blog #1
Democracy in a technology driven society. Revenge of the Nerds.
During my sophomore year in college I took a political philosophy class for which I wrote a paper on how a country that is so technologically driven can use such technology to enhance democratic procedures. Will computers allow for more personalized input from a wider variety of people? Can technology actually improve the procedures in which we operate a democratic society. I proposed that it is remotely possible, most likely in the far future, when owning a computer is a global norm. One side may argue that such a large population could not efficiently proceed in a democracy. There would be too many voices going and not enough time and/or man power to analyze. I argued that it is perhaps up to computer junkies, web designers, programmers, and even hackers to create a smooth and efficient system of online democratic spheres. Perhaps these are the people who, in the near/far future, will be holding all the keys to all the doors. Maybe the nerds we know today will be the rulers of tomorrow.
Democracy in a technology driven society. Revenge of the Nerds.
During my sophomore year in college I took a political philosophy class for which I wrote a paper on how a country that is so technologically driven can use such technology to enhance democratic procedures. Will computers allow for more personalized input from a wider variety of people? Can technology actually improve the procedures in which we operate a democratic society. I proposed that it is remotely possible, most likely in the far future, when owning a computer is a global norm. One side may argue that such a large population could not efficiently proceed in a democracy. There would be too many voices going and not enough time and/or man power to analyze. I argued that it is perhaps up to computer junkies, web designers, programmers, and even hackers to create a smooth and efficient system of online democratic spheres. Perhaps these are the people who, in the near/far future, will be holding all the keys to all the doors. Maybe the nerds we know today will be the rulers of tomorrow.
Here are some images of "The Tree of Life":
Here's WIKI's overview.
My drawings:

Kabbalah Tree of Life:
Here's WIKI's overview.
My drawings:

Kabbalah Tree of Life:
Monday, June 11, 2012
21 uses for vodka
Minjoo Jung blog # 4
I just thought this was funny and wanted to share. Did not know that there were this many different uses of vodka nowadays.
I just thought this was funny and wanted to share. Did not know that there were this many different uses of vodka nowadays.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Parents who force their children to marry can end up in jail
Minjoo Jung blog # 3
This news article is saying that parents who force their children to get married can face jail time. Its a pretty interesting article because there are many countries who still practice arranged marriage and if this law gets passed in every country, there would be many parents in jail haha
This news article is saying that parents who force their children to get married can face jail time. Its a pretty interesting article because there are many countries who still practice arranged marriage and if this law gets passed in every country, there would be many parents in jail haha
For all the smokers out there, prices of cigarettes will rise more and more
Minjoo Jung blog #2
They might think that raising the prices of cigarettes will stop people from smoking. Yes, it might work towards some people, but I know most people including me, even if the prices go up I will still continue to buy cigarettes because I am addicted to it. It is so hard to go on a day without smoking and regardless of the price, I will continue to buy it. I know I cant speak for everyone but I'm pretty sure many people will have the same mentality as me.
They might think that raising the prices of cigarettes will stop people from smoking. Yes, it might work towards some people, but I know most people including me, even if the prices go up I will still continue to buy cigarettes because I am addicted to it. It is so hard to go on a day without smoking and regardless of the price, I will continue to buy it. I know I cant speak for everyone but I'm pretty sure many people will have the same mentality as me.
Thanatos, Death Wish & Suicide
What is this adventure instinct? Wanderlust
Thrill seeking
The adrenaline rush that comes from scratching the veil that divides
The Now and Ever-after
What's the connection between Thanatos and suicide?
Sad statistics state that so many people choose to die - they don't want a natural high
produced by fear
They seek self annihilation. Why?
Most often THEY are MEN
This article talks about the fact that more soldiers are killed by themselves
than by "the enemy"
Does that mean that [the military system] is more dangerous to soldiers than the people they're trying to kill?
Thrill seeking
The adrenaline rush that comes from scratching the veil that divides
The Now and Ever-after
What's the connection between Thanatos and suicide?
Sad statistics state that so many people choose to die - they don't want a natural high
produced by fear
They seek self annihilation. Why?
Most often THEY are MEN
This article talks about the fact that more soldiers are killed by themselves
than by "the enemy"
Does that mean that [the military system] is more dangerous to soldiers than the people they're trying to kill?
Thursday, June 7, 2012
"the middle class—not the super-rich—are the real job creators"
Minjoo Jung blog # 1
This video was not going to be released in the first place but then they decided to release it later on. Its pretty interesting if you're into politics. Nick Hanauer speaks about how rich people are not the people who create jobs but it is actually the middle class.
This video was not going to be released in the first place but then they decided to release it later on. Its pretty interesting if you're into politics. Nick Hanauer speaks about how rich people are not the people who create jobs but it is actually the middle class.
Benevolent Vigilance... or is it?
Here's an interesting article on the PANOPTICON...
Big Brother is watching
and so is little sister
and mom and dad,
distant relatives
and scores of strangers -
Everybody (in digitized communities)
is watching Everybody
Is the surveillance benevolent? sometimes.
Amazon and Google watch me because they want my money
Drones observe
searching for sudden death
Is privacy possible anymore?
Do people care less about privacy if they live in communities hounded by hyper-vigilance?
Big Brother is watching
and so is little sister
and mom and dad,
distant relatives
and scores of strangers -
Everybody (in digitized communities)
is watching Everybody
Is the surveillance benevolent? sometimes.
Amazon and Google watch me because they want my money
Drones observe
searching for sudden death
Is privacy possible anymore?
Do people care less about privacy if they live in communities hounded by hyper-vigilance?
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