1. What will you need for the project in the following
categories? List:
" Personnel: paid, volunteer, job titles, amount of time on job, administrative,
artistic, technical, salary and benefits
" Services: printing, telephone, janitorial, construction, consultants, other
contract services
" Materials and supplies: office, artistic, construction
" Space: rental, purchase, storage, performance, office, utilities
" Equipment: rental, lease, purchase
" Travel: lodging, food, parking, transportation
" Marketing: publicity, PR, posters, video, TV, design, production
" Evaluation: testing, consultants, compiling statistics, printing
" Dissemination: reports, mailing
" Other: insurance, postage, shipping, freight
I'm working on getting prices for everything in red, to see what a basic budget would look like to produce this show with the Thunderbird Dancers...
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