Sunday, September 2, 2012

Tough life in 2012

Hi, my name is Hyunseung Hahm, and I am taking THR104.

In this summer vacation, I've been sick. I have Tuberculosis right now. I have to eat ten medicine

every days, and the medication makes me sick after I take, the medicine is too strong to eat it. I lost

15 pounds over this summer, which could help you to under stand my real bad situation. The doctor

said I sould not go to study abroad because it is too dangerus to go by myself. However, I believe my

friends are going to help me, and I really dont want to delay my school graduation. I have to take this

medicine untill next June. Plus, I have four wisdom teeth grwing, which give me so stress!! oh my

gosh. This year will be the worst year ever. I will try my best to finish this semester well, and will be

cheering my self to do so! :)

Thank you.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Listen or Hear

What does it mean to listen? what does it mean to hear someone? Is there a difference? Aren't they the same?

No dummy

You hear noises. you overhear people chatting in the background. You usually hear your girlfriend complaining about something you did or didn't do.

Listening is what you should be doing in a relationship. You listen to your parents growing up. You listen when that hottie you're trying to sleep with describes their perfect mate. Listening is the active version of hearing. it's you trying to intake information and process it so that you may hopefully use it in the future.
Listening should be done at all times around important people in your life. Hearing is just you natural ability to recognize sounds.

ANY questions? Good

Poor and Ugly


dedication to

This is an interview/ blog i made i  high school for my favorite class of senior year and my all time fave teacher

one of my favorite memories

Ballroom 2010

me dancing for PUSO

documentary on being an American

i made this and hold all the rights

Art in thought

This is one of my last memories in SBU. This is at the senior bbq. This artist is really good. To have a talent like that is rare. it makes me think though, someone that can do flattering caricatures in permanent markers with no mistakes is obviously very talented. So why is he working for an event at SBU? Is talent that high wasted? Is this common? Or is this an extra thing on the side?

Neoteny- can't live at home

As a 22 year old male, living at home sucks. I finished college and i'm currently at a low paying, but highly appreciated (on my behalf) job. But i do not have the means to get my own place yet. When I do, i am out of here. that's my primary goal. Living at home is a constant gamble and i can't stand it.

First major problem I have is the constant hypocrisy that I've dealt with. I don't know why I am always the one that needs to do all of the chores. Sometimes I get back at 11 at night and for some reason, it's still my responsibility to take out the garbage or clean the steps or some other arduous task that could've been done before I got home in minutes. I just don't see why its ok. And if I don't do it, I hear "is it fair that i have to work AND do chores?", but it's not like i'm home the whole time either. It's just frustrating.

Also, i'm a person that likes his privacy. When I lived on campus, I lived in a single suite so that I was around people when I wanted to be and when I was done with them, I could go and relax in my room. Plus I can have company at home but things are different and I have to worry a lot more about rules of the home. I would just like to live on my own and not have to obey another person's rules.

First time in VBLI

For all dedicated volleyball players, there is a paid mini tournament that has hundreds of games a year for all skill levels. It is known as VBLI. It is the most cost effective tournament you can get into as a player.Also, the people you will meet there may be lifelong friends if you are good enough and even if you are not, you'll still enjoy the environment.THis was the first time i've eer been to the tournament and i just got a group of friends together. I don't think that i need to point out the weaker players on the team but it was just fun for us. We enjoyed playing together and that's what matters most in this sport. Unfortunately, at the time I was the best offensive tool for the team and to be quite honest, i'm not the best hitter. My position on a team is tactical. When i'm not injured, i have good passing, sets that are highly accurate and hits that will go where they need to but not always with the force that needs to accompany them. Regardless of my perceived shortcomings, my team that i gathered rallied around me and we enjoyed playing.

Wrestlers are real, their feuds aren't

The background info for this interview.
These are all wrestlers. Greg Helms (left) used to go by the name of "the Hurricane" and the middle is a man named Matt Hardy. The guy on the right is pretty much a nobody. They are speaking about one of my favorite wrestlers of all time, the deceased Chrics Benoit. Chris has put in many years into the business and was disrespectfully ignored because of a very controversial death. It is said that he killed his family and then himself. There is no reason to justify any of these claims and there is still a lot of rumor on what may have actually happened. But this is an interesting story on the man.


I made this video with my laptop right before class. It was a rushed job but i think it went pretty well. The concept for the project was essentially dichotomies. I ended up using my hands because I see all things that people think as black and white as two halves to a whole. Hands are like the yin yang symbol. Both are equal yet opposite so it just made sense to me to use them as my visual puppets.

Friday, July 6, 2012

2011 new year

Because of my hookup with police officers, me and my gf (at the time) were right under the ball drop for the year of 2011. I was so excited to be there. And the atmosphere was electric. The air was cold but you couldn't feel it because of all the body heat emanating around you. If you ever have a chance to experience this live, it is definitely worth it. The bright lights and loud noises are constant and on top of everything, you get a free concert. Before each new year, several performers come and are singing the most famous songs they've performed up to date. Celebrities are but an arms length away and you can get a lot of free swag (mainlt from Nivea) if you get there early enough. The only negative is if you're a person seriously bothered by PDA (public displays of affection) then you're screwed. People will make out all around you. But if you're a fun loving New Yorker or really anyone in New York around this time, then Times Square is where it's at for New Year's.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

BCTC Funding outline

1. What will you need for the project in the following
categories? List:

" Personnel: paid, volunteer, job titles, amount of time on job, administrative,
artistic, technical, salary and benefits

" Services: printing, telephone, janitorial, construction, consultants, other
contract services

" Materials and supplies: office, artistic, construction

" Space: rental, purchase, storage, performance, office, utilities

" Equipment: rental, lease, purchase

" Travel: lodging, food, parking, transportation

" Marketing: publicity, PR, posters, video, TV, design, production

" Evaluation: testing, consultants, compiling statistics, printing

" Dissemination: reports, mailing

" Other: insurance, postage, shipping, freight

I'm working on getting prices for everything in red, to see what a basic budget would look like to produce this show with the Thunderbird Dancers...


Second life

Second life is fun and a great place to spend time if you give yourself time to practice. When you first make an account, you choose what avatar you want and its gender. For both female and male, there are different verson of the avatar. These versons include different skin colors, outfits, and shapes I think. After, you are sent to one of multiple introduction islands. All of these introduction islands are the same, and they all introduce you to the basics of Second life. These islands teach you how to move, how to move the camera, how to chat, how to fly, how to teleport, how to sit down. Most places are really detailed and are beautiful. But if your computer can kinda handle sl without constant crashed, you might not be able to see sl in its best. But that doesnt really matter, since the beauty can be seen even without super high detail. It can be difficult to find people to socialize with, but with secondlife website's world map it isnt too hard to search up "social" places. Such social places include but certainly arent limited to; Clubs, sandboxes (the place where you can test build and rez the products you bought off the market place), some stores, greeting areas, and events.
Overall SL is alot of fun, you can be whatever you want to be, make whatever you want to make, and be whoever you want to be! More importantly, its free.

Coding will define us

If not already today, computer coding will soon separate those with power and those without. In an age of technological abundance, code will be the new secondary language. Code can be compared with math in that it is the same in every country, however different programs use different kinds of coding. The ability to write software will, if not already, be an essential skill for the 21st century and beyond. Hopefully it will be the language of computer coding that helps unite a world that is fragmented by language.

Documentary "audio missing"

5 min "documentary"
This is my passion. I enjoy editing but actually playing the sport is so much fun. I've learned so much from and about the game of volleyball. Not my best personal playing but fun nonetheless.

Deus Ex Machina

Last year I played an RPG called Deus Ex Machina: Human Revolution. It focused on the socio-political aspects of human augmentation. One of the possible endings featured a growing baby in the womb with metal plug holes down its spine along with other machine like features. If technology develops enough to the point that we can splice human DNA with machinery, will this lead to an unexpected leap in human evolution and development. Will woman soon give birth to men that are existentially and physically half machine? What will become of the human psyche? What I am describing is very similar to "The Matrix" where the humans who are still plugged into the matrix have all those holes.

Cultures are Commodities

I feel a loss of hope when I see commercials and ads selling not only their product, but also the culture and lifestyle these kinds of products are made to present. It seems that for any sub-culture or lifestyle, there is a market to make money. When this happens the culture loses its appeal, becomes commercialized, and eventually withers away. Does capitalism destroy the uniquely humanistic portions of cultures by giving people the ability to simply buy into it? Does it really create a lack of authenticity? I think it does.

No Nostalgic feeling

It was the 4th of July yesterday. Being one of the most celebrated American holidays, I expected my self to feel at least a little bit of pride or joy in being part of this country. The truth is my identity to this country is either lost or fragmented. I don't get any nostalgic feeling of our forefather's fighting for their freedom. It was a monumental event, however I lack any emotional connection. If I were to say this less than 20,30,40,50, 60 years ago, I would have been ridiculed or perhaps tried for treason. How do we define an American besides legally on paper. In a country so diverse and spread out, a definition will be hard to find. My American identity and pride was washed away in the melting pot.

The Semi Truck

The trucking industry provides an essential service to the American economy by transporting large quantities of raw materials, works in process, and finished goods over land typically from manufacturing plants to retail distribution centers. Trucks are also important to the construction industry, as dump trucks and portable concrete mixers are necessary to move the large amounts of rocks, dirt, concrete, and other building materials used in construction. Trucks in America are responsible for the majority of freight movement over land, and are vital tools in the manufacturing, transportation, and warehousing industries.

One day the world will be mocha

In 1920, a man named Goddard wrote a book titled "Rise of the Coloured Empires". In summary, the book argued that if the supreme white race did not protect and maintain their status in the world, black, brown, and yellow races would rise up and take control of what was once under the control of the white race. What happens when interracial marriage continues and continues until the point where the whole world has blended into one giant race? I think we might all turn out to be light brown, or "mocha" colored. So if and when this does happens, how will we then classify ourselves. Will it be economic status? Will we still hold on to our notions of national division despite everyone retaining the same skin tone? I wish I could glance at the distant future to see what it would be like. Perhaps equal skin tone will help us achieve true equal opportunity.

I want a personal matrix.

1999's "Enter the Matrix" gave us a cool idea on how a dystopian future may turn out. I agree with what one of the antagonists said in the movie: "Ignorance is Bliss". What if we had the technology to create such a massive program that could sustain the entire population's mind's? Would people actually want an artificial fantasy life, knowing its not real, even if only at the subconscious level? The real world is harsh and brutal for those less fortunate. Could technology such as the Matrix itself be a way for escape not only as a luxury for the rich, but for anyone no matter what their status is? If this technology is available in the next 50 years, I hope I am alive to experience it. Virtual reality for prolonged periods of time is a huge technological step into the misty future. I am looking forward to it with my expectations high. I do however fear that it may become more of a drug of abuse rather than a means for escape and salvation.


There is an on-going philosophical debate on whether we define our world through language, or that our language is made according to the world around us. Whatever the case, language is a vital and essential tool when studying and understanding human behavior for any culture. The question is how will language be understood on a global level. Will we need a universal language to help sustain a global culture. Will the native languages, including English, become secondary speech patterns for the sake of one universal speech pattern? Language connects us to each other as well as to our surroundings, so it seems as if a new, or perhaps old language (ex. Latin) will be necessary to create a worldwide human tribe. Latin is possibility. Even sign language or Morse Code can be used. But speech patterns like English, Spanish, Italian, French, etc. may have to step back to be replaced by something new.

War Is Good. Damn.

People are living longer. Less people are dying. Overpopulation is making it harder to to live and make a living. What can we do? One solution may be to form a solidified global society and economy where distribution of currency and goods are relatively equivalent. However because this goal looks far away, we need a quicker route. War is an unwanted but arguably efficient substitute. War helps maintain population control, increases employment (at least for the time being), weeds out the weak, and stimulates the economy. America in particular was at its economic peak during and after World War One and World War Two. The American dollar was at its strongest as well as our national identity. This may seem harsh or pessimistic, but until we can create and maintain a foundation for a truly global society, this looks like a decent idea unfortunately.

Online information databases

One thing I love about the internet is its vast capacity for information databases on almost any topic whether it be academic, social, or political. It is so convenient to just find anything you want to know plus more nearly instantaneously. However I fear that there might be unanticipated blow back. Is this ease of information access making us stupid or lazy? Or both? Are we becoming a society that simply finds, retrieves, and repeats information rather than actually learning and understanding information? Are sites like Wikipedia assisting in turning our brains into mush? We actually might be becoming both smart and stupid simultaneously.

The New Adult

Close to a 100 years ago, the average life span for a man was between 45-50. The legal age for an adult was 18, and if there was such a thing as a mid-life crisis back then, it might have happened at age 25-30. That is pretty young by today's average life span. Now, when the average life span has stretched to 75-80, with a mid-life crisis usually occurring around 40-45, what should change about the legal adult age. Because we are living longer, should the legal age of 18 be increased? Is 30 the new 20? Perhaps we are developing mentally and physically just the same as 100 years ago, and that we are simply getting better equipped at prolonging life. I argue that the adult mentality has stretched a bit, and that it may soon seem normal to still live at home when your 25, maybe even 30 (God forbid).

My Personal Myth

Karma is my personal myth. I look at life as if it is being scored by a system called Karma. You gain points for doing morally praiseworthy actions, and you lose points for doing the exact opposite. What ends up happening is the higher the amount of points you have, the better % of good luck you will have, as well as the opposite. Upon death, enough points will allow for either reincarnation at a reasonable rate of return, or simply vast nothingness. There is no heaven or hell, just existence or non-existence.

Another small myth I have is that stepping on the cracks of the sidewalk is bad luck. I usually do whatever I can do avoid it. It might be from the childhood express "Don't step on the crack or else you'll fall and break your back."

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

banning soft drinks? why not beer?

Minjoo Jung blog 25

Why would you only stick to banning soft drinks mayor Bloomberg? I know the reason for this is to control the weight of Americans so they do not get obese but there are many other food and drinks that contribute to obesity other than soft drinks. Beer is one of the highest reason why people gain weight. But despite that, they only look at the soft drinks because it consists of monstrous calories and lots of sugar. In my opinion, I think that banning soft drinks is out of the question. Many people consume milkshakes and other soft drinks every day and even beer. There are days when I come home from a long day and just grab a beer and relax in front of my AC. I think that he should not ban anything because it isn't really hurting us as long as we know our limits and we are capable of controlling it.


Minjoo Jung blog 24
I did not know Instagram was this popular. For everyone who does not know what it is, it is a app for the iphone or android where we can take pictures and upload it. Our friends can follow us or we can follow them and "like" their pictures and comment on them as well. There are different filters so we can change the way the pictures look. Even my parents have instagram which is something surprising because they are not exactly the greatest technology users. They take pictures and upload them and ask me to accept their request to follow me. This app is one of the most downloaded app these days. People from all around the world uses it because it is that popular. It's a very cool app and people who do not have it should try it out.


Minjoo Jung blog 23
I was on reddit today and I happened to read this page. It is about the obamacare that is going on these days. I know many people who dont have health insurance right now because they can't afford it. I have friends who are illegal immigrants so they can't get health insurance. I am not really a big fan of obamacare because why would people get health insurance if they dont want to. They shouldnt be forced to get something they dont want or let alone afford it. The guy who wrote this says he supports it because it will change the United State's health care system in a positive way. I honestly dont really care if it changes it in a positive way or negative way as long as nothing negative will come onto me and my life.

Eye candy 2

Minjoo Jung blog 22

july 4th

Minjoo Jung blog 21
I wrote a blog about this before few days ago saying that my family never celebrates it. Today for the first time, I convinced my parents to have a bbq outside instead of just staying home in our ACed home. Even though it was very hot outside, it was nice spending time with my whole family just talking and hanging out; something we never do because we are so busy living our own lives. I found out about Korea's independence day as well which is on March 1st. My dad told me lots of story about his younger days and how he lived his life. Usually, these kind of stories bore me to death but today it was actually interesting because I have not had a deep conversation with him for a very long time. After dinner, we all went to a nearby park to watch fireworks. The weather was ridiculously humid and hot and it attracted many mosquitoes but despite that, I had lots of fun today having pleasant conversations and learning new things about history and their lives.

Technology and emotions

Minjoo Jung blog 20
Emotions are something that we feel depending on our situation or circumstances. Emotions are very powerful even to the extent where we can control a device and make it move. In class few days ago, I thought it was very cool about how we could control something with our emotions. If we were angry, then the ball would stretch back and if we were happy or calm the ball would stretch up. Even though we had technical difficulties where the ear pieces kept on falling out, we still got an idea of how it worked. That is something that amazed me because I have never witnessed or observed anything like that and it made me realize how advanced technology has become. Before all this, smartphones amazed me because it was so cool how we can search the internet, go on facebook, call and text people all through one little simple device. Now more advanced technology is coming out to the point where we can just use only our emotions to control it.

Why I live at home

I live at home because it is nearly economically impossible for me to find and afford to live on my own while I am still in school. I originally did not plan on going to college, but my parents insisted and I knew they were right despite my rebelliousness. I plan on having full time employment as soon as I graduate, and within a month find an apartment to share with two roommates. Moving out and taking care of myself has always been a priority, but it is not feasible until I finish school. I view an adult as someone who can live on his own by his own support. I am still supported by my family, so I have yet to become an adult in all aspects.

What ever happened to just "Google: The Search Engine"

Remember when Google was just a popular search engine that existed only on the web and in software? Over the years we have seen this once harmless search engine site turn into a borderline megalomaniac, world-wide company. Google Glasses, Google Maps, Google Earth, Google Video, Google Books, Google Now. In total, it seems like Google is really attempting to label and spy on everything and anything in the world. They even bought YouTube. They also have their hands dipped into hardware such as phones and tablets. What comes next seems cloudy and uncertain. Hopefully we don't regret the creating of such tools that make it easier to find anyone and anything instantaneously.


Here are some songs that I made using the following apps, ENJOY!



BCTC GRANT WRITING: who, what, when, where, why, how

Here are some more answers to the BCTC basics on grant writing:

! How to Write Your Answers (use no more than four
paragraphs for each):
" Paragraph One: Answer who, what, where, when, why, how
" Paragraph Two: Provide clarifying detail
" Paragraph Three: Provide more clarifying detail or omit
" Paragraph Four: Provide an example—an incident, a specific—that
illustrates the information in paragraph one.

WHO: Stony Brook music, theatre, and art students will collaborate with Louis Mofsie and the Thunderbird Dancers. This collaboration will be facilitated by Prof. Phillip Baldwin and music student Jay Loomis.

WHAT: The mixed media production will have an interactive aspect that uses the Kinect motion detector and Max MSP patches to create musical and visual displays that change according to dance and movement throughout the performance. A personal story of "westward expansion" will be narrated which tells the story of a New Yorker who traveled to Minnesota after the Civil War, and participated in the removal of the ancient inhabitants of the Midwest.

WHEN: The performance will be rehearsed for 6 months, throughout the fall semester of 2012, and it will be performed in Stony Brook and in NYC in the spring and summer of 2013.

WHERE: Stony Brook Staller Center Recital Hall and the Museum of the American Indian in NYC.

WHY: The rehearsal of this production will give artists from different backgrounds the opportunity to learn about each other's histories and interests - the endeavor of co-creating music, art, and dance will create deep appreciation and respect for different types of artistic expression amongst the participating artists, actors, and musicians.
The audience will learn more about the history of the original inhabitants of this continent and will also learn about "westward expansion" and have a clearer understanding of its long term affects on the Native American community.

HOW: All of this will take place through weekly rehearsals in New York and in Stony Brook which will include team building exercises, brain storming sessions, improvisation, and other activities to help the participants get to know each other and trust each other.


BCTC GRANT WRITING: 6 basic questions

Here are a few responses to some of the basic grant writing guidelines spelled out in the BCTC Grant Writing .pdf in the class notes:

! Before you even begin thinking about a specific grant,
answer each of the following six questions in writing:
" What is special or unique about your organization?
" Who is your community/constituency and what are its characteristics?
" How does your organization serve this community?
" Why is it important that your organization serve the community in this way?
" Why should your organization be supported?
" Who should support your organization?

- Our mixed media production is unique because it includes the use of interactive devices like the Kinect, that add to the audio and visual experience of the performance.

- The community that we want to reach includes students from Stony Brook, and members of the Native American community in and around New York City.

- The process of producing and performing this production serves the Native American community of New York by creating an atmosphere of openness and respect for a variety of dance and musical styles that can be enjoyed by people from different backgrounds.

- It is important to develop fine arts activities that generate interaction of people from different backgrounds and inspires an easy appreciation of different styles of music and art.

- This production should be supported because it's exceptional art.

- This production should be supported by students, faculty, artists, musicians, patrons of the arts, and philanthropists.


Final Project COS grant options

These are a few of the grant options that I'm looking at to fund the production of the performance that I want to do at Stony Brook and The Museum of the American Indian:


Final Project Proposal / e-mail

This is the e-mail that I'm sending to my contact, Louis, who is the head of the Thunderbird Dancers, a Native American dance company based in NJ. I'm hoping that Louis will help us develop and produce a mixed media performance that will take place at Stony Brook and at the Museum of American Indian in Lower Manhattan.

Hello Louis,
My name is Jay Loomis. I live in Stony Brook, NY. I was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, and I grew up in Waukesha, Wisconsin.
I've spoken to you a couple times at dance events at the Museum of the American Indian in lower Manhattan, and at an auction just up the street from the museum about 2 years ago (where my wife got a beautiful pair of silver eagle feather earrings).

I'm studying music composition at Stony Brook University - I want to continue in my studies to get a Phd in Ethnomusicology. I've done Native American style flute making workshops with students and adults in schools and libraries in New York, Wisconsin, Spain, and China. My next workshop is at the end of July for the Ward Melville Heritage Association summer program at the West Meadow Wetlands Preserve in Stony Brook. 
Here's a link with pictures of some of my music & teaching experience, etc.

Right now I'm working on a project with Prof. Phillip Baldwin, a theatre arts professor at Stony Brook. (He is also from Minnesota.) 

I was hoping you and the Thunderbird Dancers would participate in a multi-media production about "westward expansion" to the Midwest. 
In the mid 1800's Limon Foster Loomis (my great great grandfather) moved westward from New York and settled in Wells, Minnesota, where he married Mary Jane Hines (my great great grandmother), who we think was at least half Ojibwe.
(We've found both "Mary Hines" and "Loomis" in the Ojibwe surname database).

In this production we want to tell a personal story about "westward expansion" and we want to make sure that the perspective of the Native Americans who lived in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Nebraska, (Midwest) is communicated effectively.

This interactive, mixed media production will include live music and dance, video, photo, and audio. We want this performance to take place at Stony Brook University and at the Museum of the American Indian in Lower Manhattan.

At your convenience, I was hoping to talk to you more about the details of the production.

Is there a time that I could call you, or meet you to talk more about this?
Thank you for your time and consideration,
Kind Regards,
Jay Loomis

PS - I've attached pictures of my ancestors Mary Jane Hines, and Limon Foster Loomis.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Another Thought on Lanier Chap. 9: MUSICAL STASIS

I understand that Lanier is perplexed by the lack of experimentation in popular music - from what I've read throughout his book (You Are Not a Gadget), I get a clear sense that he is disappointed with how people in our culture interact in our rapidly evolving digital world. 

Popular music is one example of this stagnant creativity that Lanier is talking about. He says he wants computers and the www and the digital atmosphere that is becoming more and more interwoven into most aspects of our daily life to inspire new ways of creating and interacting with music.

I do see some of this high degree of interaction going on with music thanks to Digital Audio Workstations and apps like Garage Band, Sound Drop, Music Ball, OscilloScoop, LittleMidi, GrooveMaker, Thicket, PatternMusic, and BeatWave. I have used all of these to create music and these "simple" apps have inspired me in a variety of ways, especially when it comes to creating ELECTRONIC MUSIC, sampling, and repeated patters to create trance-like tunes. These programs help me to understand and explore [HANDS ON] modern classical musical styles represented by Phillip Glass and Steve Reich.


Lanier, Chap. 9: MUSICAL STASIS

I understand what Lanier is saying about popular music constantly copying older forms, for the past 20 years or so. I was in middle school and high school in the late 80s and early 90s and I spent a lot of time listening to Bob Marley, Led Zeppelin, U2, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Joan Baez, Jane's Addiction, The Doors, Simon and Garfunkle, Paul Simon, Billy Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, and whatever music the local Classic Rock radio station would play...
I would avoid listening to theTop 40 stations because all the songs sounded the same to me, and I would hear weak re-makes of older music.

Lanier makes a good point when he describes the early stages of popular music (1940's... 50s... 60s...) and the huge changes in musical textures and combinations of sound that occurred from Lead Belly... Chuck Berry... Elvis... The Beatles... Janis Joplin... Eric Clapton... Jimi Hendrix... etc. etc. etc. I understand his hope that music would continue to be an art form full of exploration and discovery, and searching for new possibilities, especially with the interconnections we have today through WWW and the opportunities to hear so many different types of music... so what's up?

Check out this music from HIDDEN CITY. It's a band I played with about 2 years ago, and I still play with them on occasion - all of the music is improvised, and sometimes I really like the sound of it. At other times I feel like we get stuck in a rut of repetition of familiar forms.

I'm playing in CAFE RACERS now. The singer-songwriter (Rick Cashman) and the musical director (Lynne Bowden) have pretty clear ideas about how they want the songs to sound, so I do my best to follow their directions, even when they seem a bit tame for my taste. The music is basic singer-songwriter folk, but I'd like to integrate electronic and other exotic sounds with a lot of different instruments... we'll see...

Here's some of my original music - JAY LOOMIS - if you listen through a few songs you will find a wide variety of different styles and experimentation.


Monday, July 2, 2012

july 4th

Minjoo Jung blog#19
July 4th was never a big holiday to my family. We sometimes have an bbq depending on the weather and our mood but we never do anything crazy. We just sit and watch fireworks on TV like the macy's one that show every year. I tried going to the fireworks in the city but I ended up spending an 3 hours in traffic trying to reach my destination and three hours trying to come back home. It was not a fun trip. I know many families who go on trips like vacations during the independence day weekend but my family never went on one trip to celebrate it. We are very boring people, at least my parents are lazy people. What do you guys do on July 4th?


Minjoo Jung blog#18
Trolling is very popular on the internet these days. Everyone trolls at least a little or some are crazy trollers. As I explained my story in class about my ex saying bad things about me on facebook, that is an example of how people troll these days. I knew a grandpa who went on an internet site and started trolling to people who were saying bad things about his job. He started cursing at the people who wrote stuff and one of the people called the cops and attempted to sue him. The poor grandpa was so embarrased because his job was on the line and if he got caught with doing something like this, his customers will not come to him anymore. So in the end, he made his grandson pretend that he wrote the curses and apologize to the guy and it ended like that. The point of this story is that not only younger generation kids troll but older generation adults do it as well; everyone does it.

Great Movie Quotes

1. “Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.”  (Les Misérables)

2. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off.  (Fight Club)

3. Every man dies, not every man really lives. (Brave Heart)

4. Give them nothing! But take from them everything! (300)

5. Sometimes I wonder... will God ever forgive us for what we've done to each other? Then I look around and I realize... God left this place a long time ago. (Blood Diamond)
6. Whatcha got ain't nothin new. This country's hard on people, you can't stop what's coming, it ain't all waiting on you. That's vanity. (No Country for Old Men)
7. It's not what you know, it's what you can prove. (Training Day)
8. We fight for men and women whose poetry is not yet written but which will presently be as enviable and as renowned as any. (Glory)
9. Hey, amigo! You know you have a face beautiful enough to be worth $2000? (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly)
10. I am Ripper... Tearer... Slasher... Gouger. I am the Teeth in the Darkness, the Talons in the Night. Mine is Strength... and Lust... and Power! I AM (Beowulf)

11. Today... is Christmas! Chaplain Charlie will tell you about how the free world will conquer Communism with the aid of God and a few Marines! (Full Metal Jacket)

No matter the movie, its all the same.

Telegigging, Stageit, & Cafe Racers

I was happy to read Lanier's chapter 8 where he talks about options for musicians to make music on-line by giving "live" virtual concerts that people will actually pay for. 
In fact, there is a platform that offers this very service, it's called Stageit.

I checked it out, and signed up about 6 months ago.
I signed up as an artist so that I could take advantage of this great service and start inviting family and friends to on-line live concerts...
BUT ALAS - Stageit never got back to me to let me know that my request was accepted - I get the feeling they only set up artists who already have a following - I'm not sure what their criteria are for signing up artists, I'll have to revisit this website now that I'm in a band and we have a set list and everything :) (Check out CAFE RACERS - we're recording new versions of these demos).

I'll keep you all posted and hopefully you'll be able to enjoy a live on-line concert sometime this fall - with the option to tip on-line if you like what you see and hear...


WALK the TALK - Great books by women

A few weeks ago we talked about a list of approximately 100 MUST READ books that are almost all available through the Gutenberg Project. I checked out the list and was pleased to see that I have read a few of these books, and dismayed to realize that I have about 80 more to go, before I can really "WALK the TALK" in literary and intellectual contexts where people name drop like Dr. Dre drops beats.
As I read through the list I realized there were less than a handful of books by women (Jane Austen, The Bronte Sisters, and Emily Dickinson made the cut.) 
So I got to thinking: if I read the male dominated list of 100 MUST READS I'm going to get a very testosterone charged perspective on all kinds of topics.
I would prefer to read some great books by women too, to get a wider perspective on life. I spent about 30 minutes looking on-line for the MUST READ LIST that includes women, and I couldn't find much, so I decided to ask my wife to help me out...
So, Dr. Ana Simon Alegre PhD, contacted some of her erudite friends and they put together the following list - I told Ana that I was going to put this list on our class blog. 

Dr. Ana Simon Alegre
Cristina Simon Alegre (PhD. soon to be)
Dr. Lou Charnon Deutch (Spanish Dept. Stony Brook University)
Andrea García González
Dr. Julia Pérez
Irene García Rubio

Ana Fernandez (PhD. soon to be)



Poems, Safo de Lesbos. 
Sei Shönagon, The Pillow Book, 990
Hildergart von Biden, Lingua ignota, s.XII.
The Mirror of the Simple Souls Who Are Annihilated and Remain Only in Will and Desire of Love Sells, Margarita Perote, 1300.
Christine de Pizan, The Book of the City of Ladies, 1405.
The way of perfection, Teresa de Jesús, 1988 (1º s. XVI).
Louise Labé, Poems, 1555
María de San José Salazar, Libro de recreaciones, 1580.
Amorous and Exemplary Novels, or, the Spanish Decameron, María de Zayas, 1632.
Madame de la Fayette, The princess of Cleves, 1678
The Three Secular Plays of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Juana Inés de la Cruz, XVII.
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman with Strictures on Moral and Political Subjects, Mary Wollstonecraft, 1792.
Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility, 1811.
Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, 1813.
Frankenstein, Mary Shelly, 1818.
George Sand, La Petite Fadette, 1840.
History of Peru, Juana Manuela Gorriti, XIX.
Getrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, Sab, 1841.
George Elliot, Middlemarch, 1840.
Bronte, Emily, Wuthering Heights, 1847.
Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly, Harriet Beecher Stowe, 1850.
Rosalía de Castros, Poems, 1863 (1964).
EL Doctor Alemán, Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer, 1880.
Insolación, Emilia Pardo Bazán, 1888.
Poems, Emily Dickinson, 1890.
The Yellow Wall-paper, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, 1892. 
Susan B. Anthony, The Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony (Volume 1 of 2), by Ida Husted Harper (siglo XX).
Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre, 1984
Gertrude Stein, Three Lives, 1909
The Queens of Kungahälla and Other Sketches From a Swedish Homestead, Selma Lagerlöf, 1899 (1917).
Viaje de recreo: España, Francia, Inglaterra, Italia, Suiza, Alemana, Clorinda Matto de Turner, 1909.
Baroness Bertha von Suttner; Author of "Lay Down Your Arms" and Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize". New York Times Review of Books: pp. BR61. February 5, 1911.
Anna Ajmátova, Poems, 1912
Else Lasker-Schüler, Poems, 1912
Alfonsina Storni, Poems, 1916
The Vagabond, Collete, 1917.
Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse, 1927.
Virginia Woolf, Orlando, 1928.
Masa Halamová, Gift (Dar, 1928), 
Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own, 1929.
Living My Life, Emma Goldman, 1931.
Masa Halamová, Red Poppy (Červený mak, 1932)
Pamela Lyndon Travers, Mary Poppins, 1934.
Gone with the wind, Margaret Mitchell, 1937.
Isak Dinesen, Out of Africa, 1937
In a Place of Splendor, The Autobiography of a Spanish Woman, Constancia de la Mora, 1939.  
I must have liberty, Isabel Oyarzábal de Palencia, 1940.
Anais Nin, Delta of Venus, 1940.
Carson McCullers, The heart is a lonely hunter, 1940.
Marguerite Duras, Wartime Writings, 1943-49 (2010).
Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, 1943.
Astrid Lindgren, Pippi Longstocking, 1944
Virginia Wolf, A Haunted House and Other Short Stories, 1944.
Carmen Laforet, Nada, 1945, (2007).
Simone de Beauvoir, Wartime diary, 1945? (2010)
The Diary of a Young Girl, Ana Frank, 1947.
Hanna Arent, The Origins of Totalitarianism, 1951.
Simone Weil, The Need for Roots, 1952.
María Zambrano, Delirium and Destiny: A Spaniard in Her Twenties, 1953 (1999).
Mary Gaskell, North and South, 1955.
Masa Halamová, Poems (Básne, 1955), 1978. 
The Golden Notebook, Doris Lessing, 1962.
Zapatos de fuego, sandalias de viento, Úrsula Wölfel, 1963.
Natalia Ginzburg, Family Sayings, 1963.
Jean Rys, Wide Sargasso Sea, 1966.
Masa Halamová, I Live Your Death (Smrť tvoju žijem, 1966)
Clarice Lispector, The Passion According to G.H. and The Foreign Legion, 1964-66.
Maya Angelou, I know Why the Caged Bird Sings, 1969.
Silvia Plath, Winter Trees, 1971
Adrienne Rich, Diving Into the Wreck, 1973.
Adrieanne Rich, On Lies, Secrets and Silence: Selected Prose, 1966–1978, 1979. 
Alice Walker, The Color Purple , 1982.
Isabel Allende, The House of Spirits, 1982.
Luisa Valenzuela, Cambio de armas, 1982.
Sylvia Plath, Collected Poems, 1982.
The Diary of a Good Neighbour, as Jane Somers-Doris Lessing, 1983.
Sandra Cisneros House on mango Street, 1984.
Cristina Peri Rossi, Ship of Fools, 1984.
Assia Djebar, Cuarteto Argelino, 1984.
Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale, 1985.
Gloria Anzaldúa, Borderlands, 1987.
Eltit, Diamela, El cuarto mundo, 1988
S. Byatt, Possession, 1990.
Isabel Allende, The Stories of Eva Luna, 1990
Duras, Margarite, The North China Lover, 1991.
Toni Morrison, Jazz, 1992.
Joyce Carol Oates, Black Water, 1992.
Jung Chang, Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China, 1992.
Masa Halamová, Fragments (Čriepky, 1993). 
Under My Skin: Volume One of My Autobiography, to 1949, Doris Lessing, 1994.
Ursula Heigi, Stones from the River, 1994.
Julia Alvarez, Time of the Butterflies, 1994.
Dandicat, Edwidge, Breath, Eyes, Memories, 1994
Variable cloud, Carmen Martin Gaite, 1995. 
Phoolan Devi, Phoolan Devi: The Autobiography of India's Bandit Queen, 1996.
Walking in the Shade: Volume Two of My Autobiography, 1949 to 1962, Doris Lessing 1997.
Arundhati Roy, The God of Small Things, 1997
Lucía Etxebarria, Beatrice and the heavenly bodies, 1998
Barbara Kingslover, The Poisonwood Bible, 1998.
Marjane Satrapi, Persepolis, 2000-03.
Amélie Nothomb, Fear and Trembling, 2001
Julia Kristeva, Hannah Arendt, 2001, Melanie Klein 2002, Colette 2005
Garcia, Cristina, Monkey Hunting, 2003
Hélène Cixous, Reveries of the Wild Woman, 2006
Louise Erdrich, The Beet Queen, 2006.
Alison Bechdel, Fun home, 2006.
Marie NDiaye, Three Strong Women, 2009
Maria Dueñas, The Time in Between, 2009
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, The Thing Around Your Neck, 2009.
By Lou Charnon-Deutsch, Andrea García González, Julia Pérez, Irene García Rubio, Ana Fernández (candidate PhD), Ana y Cristina Simón Alegre